HeyDesigner Weeky [636]

Instagram Motion Identity System, Designing icons in Figma, and more ...

This week, you'll delve into the Instagram Motion Identity System, master the art of crafting icons in Figma, receive invaluable design portfolio guidance, and explore a wealth of additional insights.

Highlights of the week ↘

Your private treasure trove of inspiration - Like a visual search engine for your own brain. All your bookmarks and inspiration in one private place, organized with AI. Works beautifully for mood boarding, too. - mymind SPONSORED

Design portfolio advice - It aches my heart every time we hire, seeing the lack of thinking designers put in building their portfolios. - Hardik Pandya

Instagram Motion Identity System - In collaboration with Instagram’s in-house brand design team, we created a flexible, balanced motion system, effective across both marketing and product. - Studio Dumbar

Product design, UX/UI and PM ↘

When and how to move from an assumption to a hypothesis - An assumption is a guess or thing that you work on with the belief that it’s true. A (good) hypothesis doesn’t come with any belief. It’s an idea or statement you use as a starting point to prove or disprove a position. - Andrew Duckworth

The goal of a “strategy” is to change our own team’s behavior - A strong strategy is of course a key foundation for everything we’re building as a company. - Ami Vora

Designing icons in Figma - We want to make sure that this article is interesting for those who are already familiar with the icon design field, but also accessible for those who are entering the unknown. - Streamline

Design engineering ↘

Why UI designers should understand Flexbox and CSS Grid - Or bye bye, rigid column grid layout. - Christine Vallaure

From atomic design to a global solution - I was recently a guest on the CodingCatDev podcast, where we covered a lot of ground around design systems, including the design system ecosystem, the idea of a Global Design System. - Brad Frost

CSS button styles you might not know - We can use all sorts of fancy CSS to style a button. I prefer using Flexbox layout for example. In this blog post I share a few lesser-known CSS styles. - David Bushell

My favourite animation trick: Exponential smoothing - There’s a certain simple animation thing that I’ve been using almost since I’ve ever started doing anything related to graphics. - Nikita Lisitsa

A formula for responsive font-size - This CSS is now part of most websites I make. - James Fisher

Tools and resources ↘

Storybook 8 - Next level testing, performance, and compatibility. - Michael Shilman

Inspiration and creativity ↘

From ink to pixel to ink - The iPad didn’t manage to kill books the same way smartphones didn’t manage to kill traditional photography. - Manuel Moreale

A collection of Design Engineers - Collecting people I know who work at the intersection of design and engineering, in an attempt to figure out what a design engineer is. - Maggie Appleton

Portfolio presentations and Design work - Portfolio presentations are an opportunity for designers to showcase their design process and problem-solving skills to potential employers, peer groups, and more. - Luke Wroblewski

40 years of the Mac at the Computer History Museum - Earlier this year, the original Macintosh celebrated its 40th birthday. - Arun Venkatesan

Last but not least ↘

The minestrone of talent - Join startups where there is high density of talent. - David Hoang

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